@Function Tokens
The identifiers listed in the table below are used with the @Function token. For example, to return the current date and time, use @Function.DateTime~.
Token | Resolves To |
@Function.AppPhysicalPath~ | The complete physical path of the application's virtual directory on the web server. Example: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyLogiApp |
@Function.AppCachePath~ | The physical path of the application's rdDataCache folder on the web server. Example: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyLogiApp\rdDataCache |
@Function.AppDownloadPath~ | The physical path of the application's rdDownload folder on the web server. Example: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyLogiApp\rdDownload |
@Function.AppVirtualPath~ | The HTTP Request.Path string. |
@Function.Browser~ | The HTTP Request.Browser string. |
@Function.BrowserDecimalChar~ | The client browser's decimal character. |
@Function.BrowserMajorVersion~ | The HTTP Request.Browser.MajorVersion string. |
@Function.BrowserMinorVersion~ | The HTTP Request.Browser.MinorVersion string. |
@Function.BrowserThousandsSeparatorChar~ | The client browser's thousand separator character. |
@Function.BrowserUserAgent~ | The HTTP Request.UserAgent string. |
@Function.BrowserVersion~ | The HTTP Request.Browser.Version string. |
@Function.Date~ | The current web server date as a short date string. |
@Function.DateTime~ | The current web server date and time as a general date string. |
@Function.ErrorDataLayerID~ | When the If Data Error element is processed, provides the element ID of the datalayer that encountered the error. |
@Function.FileUpload~ | The information in a procedure task about a file upload process. |
@Function.FUID~ | A Functional Unique Identifier string, a unique 16-byte identifier used in Windows Portable Devices. |
@Function.GlobalTheme~ | Provides the name of the theme, if any, assigned to the application using a Global Style element in the _Settings definition. |
@Function.GUID~ | A random Globally Unique Identifier string. This function is useful for creating unique filenames. |
@Function.HostAddress~ | The IP address of the client (browser) computer. |
@Function.InstanceID~ | The Instance ID value of a Dashboard Panel, in Dashboards that have Multiple Instances set to True. |
@Function.LastErrorMessage~ | The last error message string for any process task executed in the current session. |
@Function.PageCount~ | The number of Data Table pages. Only valid when Interactive Paging or Printable Paging elements are in use. |
@Function.PageNumber~ | The current Data Table page number. Only valid when Interactive Paging or Printable Paging elements are in use. |
@Function.QueryString~ | The entire query string (everything after the "?"). |
@Function.Referer~ | The complete URL of the calling web page. |
@Function.RowNumber~ | The current Data Table row number. |
@Function.ServerEngineVersion~ | The Logi Info Server Engine version number. E.g: 12.2.047 |
@Function.ServerName~ | The name of the web server. E.g.: localhost |
@Function.ServerOperatingSystem~ | The web server OS name, either Windows, Unix, or Mac. |
@Function.SessionID~ | The current web server session ID. |
@Function.TimeUtc~ | The current web server time, translated to UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) time, in 24-hour format, as hh:mm:ss |
@Function.UserCulture~ | The browser's primary language string. |
@Function.UserID~ | The current, logged-in user ID or name, when Logi Security (see Logi Security) is in use. |
@Function.UserRights~ | A comma-delimited list of the current, logged-in user's security rights, when Logi Security (see Logi Security) is in use. The token value is not available until the Security element has been processed completely. |
@Function.UserRoles~ | A comma-delimited list of the current, logged-in user's security roles, when Logi Security (see Logi Security) is in use. The token value is not available until the Security element has been processed completely. |
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