Modifying Selected Chart Captions
When you create charts using the Analysis Chart or Analysis Grid super-elements, the chart caption is created automatically and appears in a format similar to:
Sum of OrderID by OrderDate
You may wish to translate this caption and/or reorder its parts, and this can be done using a TMF. Here's an example of the relevant code in the Analysis Chart template file (rdTemplate/rdAnalysisChart/rdAcTemplate.lgx):
<ChartCanvas ChartCaption="{AggrName} of {DataColumnName} by {LabelColumnName}"CaptionDated="{AggrName} of {DataColumnName} by {LabelColumnName}" ChartHeight="300" ChartWidth="500" BorderColor="#7A7A7A" BorderRadius="4" ID="ChartPie" rdUnderSuperElement="True">
Note the construction of the default ChartCaption and CaptionDated attribute values, highlighted above. The items within the curly braces are internal chart variables and, using a TMF, you can substitute a different value that includes them, as follows:
<SetAttribute XPath="//ChartCanvas" ChartCaption="{AggrName} de {DataColumnName} par {LabelColumnName}" />
The example TMF code shown above translates the English connecting words "of" and "by" to their French equivalents. You can change the value in any way you desire, using the { } chart variables or removing them altogether.
<SetAttribute XPath="//ChartCanvas" ChartCaption="{DataColumnName} by {LabelColumnName}: {AggrName}" />
You can also rearrange the value parts, as shown above. The resulting caption would appear as "OrderID by OrderDate: Sum".
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