Flattener Attributes
The attributes of the Flattener element are described below:
Attribute | Description |
Bottom Level Element Names
Specifies one or more names of elements in the input data, in a comma-separated list, where the flattening
operation should end. Any elements in this list will not have any of their children processed. The default (no value) causes flattening to end at the lowest child
Data Row Element Names | Specifies one or more names of elements in the input data, in a comma-separated list, which should generate output data rows. If left blank, an output data row is produced for each child element of the root element. |
ID | Specifies a unique element ID. |
Ignore Deep Attributes | Specifies whether all attributes of the elements that generate data rows will be added to the output, even attributes from lower-level child elements. When set to True, those lower-level attributes are not copied. The default (blank) value is False. |
Ignore Text Elements | Specifies whether text nodes (elements) are moved into attributes of their parent element. When set to True, text nodes are not moved. The default (blank) value is False. |
Prepend Element Names | Specifies whether the element name should be prepended to the attribute when it's flattened. For example, if set to True (the default value), <parent child="x" /> will be output as <datalayerid parent_child="x" />. If set to False, it would be output as <datalayerid child="x" />. |
Top Level XPath | Specifies an XPath query to be used to select the portion of the dataset to be flattened. The default value is *, which selects the entire dataset. |
The effects of some of these attributes on data are shown in Flattener Usage Examples.
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