Embedding Dynamic Reports using JavaScript
You can also use JavaScript and the Embedded Reporting object from the API to embed reports. This object has three primary methods: create, get, and remove. Remember that JavaScript is case-sensitive!
All three methods operate with the following properties:
applicationUrl | string
| Required The URL of your Logi Info application.
report | string
| Required The Logi report definition name.
| string
| Required Specifies automatic resizing of the container div to show the entire report or include scroll bars. Valid values include:"none", "height", "width", "all" .
heightOffset | number | Embedded content frame padding has been increased to 20px. This property allows you to override that value, if desired.
linkParams | array
A name-value collection of report parameters. Example: {"Year":"2010", "CustomerId" : 1} .
You may not use a parameter named "UserName".
secureKey | string
A SecureKey value; required when using SecureKey Authentication.
iframeId | string
| Read Only Returns the id attribute value of the iFrame element that contains the embedded report.
iframe | object
| Read Only Returns the iFrame DOM object that contains the embedded report page
Using the create() and remove() Methods
1. Create a container for the report in the HTML markup:
- <div id="reportContainer" />
2. In your JavaScript code, create array of report options:
- var options = {};
- options.applicationUrl = "https://sampleapps.logianalytics.com/LogiApp";
- options.report = "EmbeddedReports.DataTable";
- options.autoSizing = "all";
- options.secureKey = "";
- options.linkParams = {"CustomerID" : "VINET", "StartDate" : "01/01/2009" };
3. Create a report instance:
- var report = EmbeddedReporting.create('reportContainer', options);
4. Remove the report instance:
- EmbeddedReporting.remove('reportContainer');
Here's the JavaScript used in this page, with the onClick events for the two buttons, to create and remove the report:
- function CreateReport() {
- var options = {
- applicationUrl : "https://sampleapps.logianalytics.com/LogiApp",
- report : "EmbeddedReports.DataTable",
- autoSizing : "all",
- linkParams : { "CustomerID": "VINET", "StartDate": "01/01/1976" }
- };
- var report = EmbeddedReporting.create('reportContainer', options);
- }
- function RemoveReport() {
- EmbeddedReporting.remove('reportContainer');
- }
Using the get() Method
To manipulate existing reports created with the API, start by getting the report object, using its container div ID:
- var report = EmbeddedReporting.get('containerId')
Report object properties can be directly manipulated:
- EmbeddedReporting.get('containerId').report = "SalesByMonth"
The report object also has these methods available:
loadReport() |
Loads or refreshes an embedded report. Example: EmbeddedReporting.get('containerId').loadReport() |
setParam(name, value) |
Updates or inserts a parameter into the report parameters collection. Example: EmbeddedReporting.get('containerId').setParam("startDate", "01/01/2012") |
getParam(name) |
Returns a parameter value from the report parameters collection. Example: EmbeddedReporting.get('containerId').getParam("startDate") |
removeParam(name) |
Removes a parameter from the report parameters collection. Example: EmbeddedReporting.get('containerId').removeParam("startDate") |
removeAllParams() |
Removes all parameters from the report parameters collection. Example: EmbeddedReporting.get('containerId').removeAllParams() |
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