Finishing Up
The final container in our report is the "proprietary
information" warning at the bottom.
This container can be another Division element and is another opportunity to create a shared element. Traditionally, you'd place it beneath the Report Footer element.
The Report Header and Report Footer elements provide convenient places to put that kind of information, but they're not special in any way. If you prefer, you can place your header and footer container elements right in the BODY of the report instead, and they'll look and behave in the same way.
And, at last, we can see what our finished report looks like in the
example shown above.
In summary, we've seen the correlation between laying out a report design in terms of geographic containers and how those containers, in the form of either an HTML table, a Division, or a Data Table column, are realized using Logi elements. You should now have a good foundation for designing your own reports.
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