.NET Plug-in - Example: Modify an SQL Query with a Request Variable
The following are code examples for a plug-in that customizes a SQL query based on a request variable:
[Visual Basic]
Imports System.Xml.Linq
Public Class Plugin
Public Sub SetCustomerQuery(ByRef rdObjects As rdPlugin.rdServerObjects)
Dim xmlDefinition As New XmlDocument()
Dim xpath As String = "//Report/Body/DataTable/DataLayer"
Dim eleDataLayer As XmlElement = xmlDefinition.SelectSingleNode(xpath)
If IsNothing(eleDataLayer) Then
Throw New Exception("The report is missing the DataLayer element.")
End If
'Use a Request variable to set set the SELECT query.
Dim sSelect As String
Select Case rdObjects.Request("Continent")
Case "NA"
sSelect = "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country IN('USA','Mexico','Canada')"
Case "SA"
sSelect = "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country IN('Argentina','Brazil','Venezuela')"
Case "EU"
sSelect = "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country IN('UK','France','Spain')"
Case Else
sSelect = "SELECT * FROM Customers"
End Select
eleDataLayer.SetAttribute("Source", sSelect)
rdObjects.CurrentDefinition = xmlDefinition.OuterXml
End Sub
End Class
using System;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using rdPlugin;
namespace SamplePlugin
public class Plugin
public void setCustomerQuery(ref rdServerObjects rdObjects)
XmlDocument xmlDefinition;
XmlElement eleDataLayer;
string sSelect, xpath;
// Load the current report definition into an XmlDocument object
xmlDefinition = new XmlDocument();
// Locate the DataLayer element in the specified XML tree
xpath = "//Report/Body/DataTable/DataLayer";
eleDataLayer = (XmlElement)xmlDefinition.SelectSingleNode(xpath);
if (eleDataLayer == null)
throw new Exception("The report is missing the DataLayer element.");
// Use a Request variable to set the SELECT query
switch (rdObjects.Request["Continent"])
case "NA":
sSelect = "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country IN('USA','Mexico','Canada')";
case "SA":
sSelect = "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country IN('Argentina','Brazil',
case "EU":
sSelect = "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country IN('UK','France','Spain')";
sSelect = "SELECT * FROM Customers";
// Save the SQL query to the report definition
eleDataLayer.SetAttribute("Source", sSelect);
rdObjects.CurrentDefinition = xmlDefinition.OuterXml;
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