Java Plug-in - Example: Changing Data in a Datalayer
The following are code examples for a plug-in that converts RTF text in a datalayer to plain text. It creates an in-memory RichTextBox control, then iterates through all records in the datalayer, processing and replacing the contents of a data column.
[Visual Basic]
Imports System.Xml.Linq
Imports System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
Public Class Plugin
Public Sub RTF2Text(ByRef rdObjects As rdPlugin.rdServerObjects)
Dim objRTB As New System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox()
Dim objDoc As New XmlDocument()
Dim objNodeList As XmlNodeList
Dim objNode As XmlNode' load the XML from the datalayer
objDoc = rdObjects.CurrentData
' get a nodelist for all nodes (records) in XML doc
' in XPath syntax "dtTest" equals the name of the Data Table,
' and is the node name in the XML document
objNodeList = objDoc.SelectNodes("//dtTest")' loop thru each node, processing the "colText" attribute value,
' which is name of column with RTF text.
' put each value into RichTextBox as RTF, then reassign it as plain text
For Each objNode In objNodeList
objRTB.Rtf = objNode.Attributes.ItemOf("colText").Value
objNode.Attributes.ItemOf("colText").Value = objRTB.Text
Next' clean up
objNode = Nothing
objNodeList = Nothing
objDoc = Nothing
objRTB = Nothing End Sub
End Class
using System;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using rdPlugin;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace RTFPlugin
public class Plugin
public void RTF2Text(ref rdServerObjects rdObjects)
RichTextBox objRTB;
XmlDocument objDoc;
XmlNodeList objNodeList;
// create RichTextBox
objRTB = new RichTextBox();// load the XML from the datalayer
objDoc = new XmlDocument();
objDoc = rdObjects.CurrentData;// get a nodelist for all nodes (records) in XML doc
// in XPath syntax "dtTest" equals the name of the Data Table,
// and is the node name in the XML document
objNodeList = objDoc.SelectNodes("//dtTest");// loop thru each node, processing the "colText" attribute value,
// which is name of column with RTF text.
// put each value into RichTextBox as RTF, then reassign it as plain text
foreach (XmlNode objNode in objNodeList)
objRTB.Rtf = objNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("colText").Value;
objNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("colText").Value = objRTB.Text;
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