.NET Plug-in - Example: Change the Application Caption
The following are code examples for a plug-in that alters the caption of the Logi application at runtime:
[Visual Basic]
Imports System.Xml.Linq
Public Class Plugin
Public Sub SetApplicationCaption(ByRef rdObjects As rdPlugin.rdServerObjects)
Dim xmlSettings As New XmlDocument()
Dim eleApp As XmlElement = xmlSettings.SelectSingleNode("//Setting/Application")
eleApp.SetAttribute("Caption", "Greetings from the Sample Plugin! Time: " & Now.ToString)
rdObjects.CurrentDefinition = xmlSettings.OuterXml
End Sub
End Class
using System;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using rdPlugin;
namespace SamplePlugin
public class Plugin
public void setApplicationCaption(ref rdServerObjects rdObjects)
XmlDocument xmlSettings;
XmlElement eleApp;
string currentTime;
// Load the current report definition into an XmlDocument object
xmlSettings = new XmlDocument();
// Locate the Application element and define its Caption attribute
eleApp = (XmlElement)xmlSettings.SelectSingleNode("//Setting/Application");
currentTime = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();
eleApp.SetAttribute("Caption", "Hello from the Sample Plugin! Time: " + currentTime);
// Save the new report definition
rdObjects.CurrentDefinition = xmlSettings.OuterXml;
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