Styling the Axis Labels
The axis labels can be styled using the Label Style child element. For example, Label Style has a set of font-related attributes that allow you to specify font family, color, size, angle, etc.
In the example above, the labels have been styled to have a 45-degree font angle and a Blue font color.
Labels can also be arranged into multiple rows, using the element's Stagger Labels attribute, as shown above. This element also has Offset X and Offset Y attributes that allow you to shift the entire set of labels in any direction and a Format attribute that allows you to format the label data, using standard Logi formatting options. For more information on Logi formatting, see Format Data.
If you want to "stack" the labels into two lines, as shown above, it's easy to do:
First, concatenate the text "<br>" into your label data at the point where you want to insert the line break. Here's an example SQL query:
SELECT LEFT(DATENAME(m, start_date), 3) + '<br>' + RIGHT(DATEPART(yy, start_date), 2) AS StartDate...
Then, set the Label Style element's Format attribute to HTML. Finally, use (for this example) StartDate as the series' X-Axis Data Column.
The Label Style element's Maximum Label Length attribute lets you specify the maximum number of characters that will be displayed for a label before the text is truncated and ellipsis (...) is appended.
When used beneath a Y-Axis element, the Label Style element's Format attribute can include ####;(###) to display negative numbers within parentheses.
The default formatting of automatic tooltips is inherited from the Format attribute of the Label Style element.
Auto Rotation
Enable auto rotation to prevent overlapping labels on your horizontal axis using the Chart Canvas attribute, Auto Rotation Degrees. By default, the value for this attribute is "undefined" and labels will word-wrap, when possible. When undefined, the top and bottom axes default to a -45 degree rotation. To utilize this feature, enter a numeric value between 0-90 in the Auto Rotation Degrees attribute.
For more information about configuring your chart axes, see Axis Element Attributes.
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